Concept model for the Royal Welsh Stand
The design of a show stand for R.A.B.I. for the Royal Welsh Show was from concept right through to completion.
After a few design meetings the stand design was agreed and a local Welsh architect and building company was employed to create the building from our design model. As the project progressed we had a number of site visits to check on progress, whilst the building was being constructed we worked on the inside displays that were all produced in English and Welsh.

Finished stand before the show opened to the public
After the show we had a letter of thanks from the Chief Executive of The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I) containing the following:
“Following our Council meeting held last week I am writing to thank you for the quite excellent work which you did on our stand for the Royal Welsh Show. The success which we enjoyed owes much to your imaginative conceptual work on the outline design and subsequent detailed work on the display material itself and the Council members are very please with the result. I look forward to our continuing association and hope to return to you with another project in the near future”