Wow… The Olympic closing is fantastic

Wow what an Olympics at London 2012, the design and symbolism of the closing ceremony is just fantastic how can we show more Britishness? Absolutely superb! So the final tally Team GB did very well and we are so proud to be british.

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Wow the golds are rolling in for Team GB at the London Olympics 2012

What a weekend at the London Olympics, yesterday was amazing with the number of medals team GB won. Today Fantastic the two I watched Sailing with Ben Ainslie, truly a great sailor, what a shame Iain Percy didn’t win Gold but Silver is still to be very proud off.  The other sport was the tennis with Andy Murray winning Gold another great day for Team GB well done to all the other weekend medalists!

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Remembering our moment to shine Olympics 2012


Looking back at the torch relay here in Kidlington.

I am still trying to find out the torch bearers name all we have is 104 on day 52 of the torches route around the United Kingdom.

It is amazing to think it is now just less than 24 hours before the Opening ceremony of the 2012 games here in the UK. from the day we won the games it seemed like it would be years away and here we are with only hours to go.

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The Lloyds TSB Torch Bus


The Lloyds TSB bus was a great idea especially with the record of the whole route, that is a fantastic piece of marketing all the way round the UK using social media


Looking forward to tomorrow night to see how we do this spectacular opening to the games.


Good luck Team GB we are all behind you!

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Witzend travel blog


A blog website designed and hosted by us.


This site was designed as a travel blog, the idea was to easily allow the uploading of images and text when on the move, with this content managed site it works like a dream and can be edited on the go.


The clients comment:
“Thanks, Paul and Wendy would like to say a huge Thank You to Craig design partner of apt- art design who has designed this blog for us and set us novices on into the 21st Century. We can now share our adventures with anyone who chooses to look and hope that we might make you smile”

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Michael Scott Photography Corporate Identity


This was the design of a new logo and corporate identity.

The decision was made to use Michaels signature as the main emphasis of the logo and this was also used as a watermark on the stationery and window graphics

The finished logo was very stylish and in keeping with the image the photographer wanted to portray, we produced the Stationery on a cream marbled stock to give a very up market feel it was printed in dark green.

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Hazchem catalogue brochure


A catalogue brochure for Hazchem Safety this project was A4 full colour 44 pages and a smaller 28page version, it was also accompanied by a 12 page black and white price guide. The brief was for a vibrant industrial feel as it would be used within the oil, fuel and haulage industry sectors.

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The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution

Concept model for the Royal Welsh Stand

Concept model for the Royal Welsh Stand

The design of a show stand for R.A.B.I. for the Royal Welsh Show was from concept right through to completion.

After a few design meetings the stand design was agreed and a local Welsh architect and building company was employed to create the building from our design model. As the project progressed we had a number of site visits to check on progress, whilst the building was being constructed we worked on the inside displays that were all produced in English and Welsh.

Finished stand before the show opened to the public

Finished stand before the show opened to the public

After the show we had a letter of thanks from the Chief Executive of The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I) containing the following:

“Following our Council meeting held last week I am writing to thank you for the quite excellent work which you did on our stand for the Royal Welsh Show. The success which we enjoyed owes much to your imaginative conceptual work on the outline design and subsequent detailed work on the display material itself and the Council members are very please with the result. I look forward to our continuing association and hope to return to you with another project in the near future”

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Ranik 2H leaflet and poster design


A 2 page flyer for 2H Products water management products, as the flyer was wanting to portray information about the water management, high rate filters, storm water storage, Shallow bed filters and phase separation a drain idea and a flowing water design was established around that principal. This flyer was also produced as a large poster for use in exhibitions

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Aviation Passenger Safety Cards


Safety Card design for biz jets created in the style of your own corporate identity, cards can be designed to meet the needs of each individual aircraft or a fleet.

We have produced cards that have been approved for use by the operator and the national body, in different business jets and turbo prop aircraft based in the UK.

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Logo and brochure design for Sun Ray Blinds


This project was a logo and 8 page A4 product brochure designed and printed. The cover uses one of our stock photographs; a sunset over Queens College Oxford that lends itself well for this design and has been much admired since the image was taken.

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Need a professional image

Need to look smarter in the business place or your company image modernised, then employing a design business that has years of experience in promoting the business image is the way to go. We know what works and how to create a clear strong company image that can be rolled out across all your publicity material, website and company stationery to complete the transformation of your business image.

need to look more professional

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